Jeff Sessions To Ignore States’ Rights And Allow Prosecutors To Enforce Federal Marijuana Laws

According to the Associated Press, Attorney General Jeff Sessions is rescinding the Obama-era policy that had paved the way for legalized marijuana to flourish in states across the country. In the wonderfully faux democracy of the United States, where we are told that a majority perspective is meant to be represented, one needs little else Read More…

Our Perception Of Leadership Needs To Change If We Are To Change The World

“Poor leaders push us towards the goal. Great leaders guide us along the journey.” – Simon Sinek When we think of world leaders, what often comes to mind? According to Forbes, the top ten qualities a good leader are honesty, delegation, communication, confidence, commitment, a positive attitude, creativity, intuition, the ability to inspire and being approachable. Read More…

Ohio Sets Major Precedent, Sues Big Pharma For Deliberately ‘Fueling Opioid Epidemic’

Five goliath pharmaceutical companies have been served with a lawsuit from the State of Ohio for their role in the opioid epidemic, because, as state Attorney General Mike DeWine alleges, they “helped unleash a health care crisis that has had far-reaching financial, social, and deadly consequences in the State of Ohio.” Ohio now joins a number of Read More…