Saudi Arabia Bombs Residential Neighborhood In Yemen Killing Entire Family

SANA’A, YEMEN — Saudi Arabia’s war against Yemen is being described as a deliberate war against women and children. Just this Monday, a U.S.-backed Saudi-coalition bombing campaign targeted a residential neighborhood in Amran in northern Yemen, killing 15 civilians and injuring 9, most of whom were women and children. Eight of those killed belonged to one Read More…

Israel Aiding Saudi Arabia In Developing Nuclear Weapons

Saudi interest in developing nuclear weapons dates back to the 1970s, when the kingdom learned of major steps taken by both Israel and India in the development of nuclear armaments. RIYADH, SAUDI ARABIA – The Israeli government has begun selling the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia information on how to develop nuclear weapons, according to a senior official at Read More…

As Civilian Deaths In Yemen Mount, US To Sell Saudi Arabia Billions More In Bombs

Further demonstrating the willingness of the U.S. to reward and perpetuate the war crimes of its allies, the Trump administration is reportedly moving ahead with a multi-billion-dollar sale of so-called “smart bombs” to Saudi Arabia just weeks after the U.S.-backed Saudi-led coalition bombed a wedding in Yemen, killing more than 20 people. First reported by The Intercept‘s Alex Emmons on Friday, Read More…