DNC Day Two: 3 Psyop Strategies Exposed

We are watching as a criminal empire attempts to artificially insert their dictator into power, and this is a historic opportunity for humanity to see every step of the way they’re doing it. So let’s not miss out on this unique opportunity made possible due to modern-day technology and the advent of the Internet. Day Read More…

Leak Confirms DNC Aimed to Squash Questions Over Clinton Fundraising Scheme

Officials privately worked to shut down concerns about distribution of money, Politico reports. The Democratic National Committee (DNC) tried to hide the fact that Hillary Clinton’s campaign allegedly benefited from a controversial joint fundraising project her team claimed was helping down-ticket candidates, according to leaked emails. The emails, released last week ahead of the Democratic Read More…

Mission Accomplished at DNC, Clinton Hires Wasserman Schultz for Top Post

Clinton responds to party chair’s resignation on Sunday by thanking “longtime friend” for her service at DNC and immediately naming her as honorary chair of her own campaign. Though many progressives immediately responded by saying her ouster would not be enough to undo the damage her leadership has done, Democratic National Committee Chairperson Debbie Wasserman Read More…

WikiLeaks Just Revealed Mainstream Media Works Directly With Hillary, DNC

Wikileaks’ Friday leak of nearly 20,000 Democratic National Committee (DNC) emails reveals many nefarious activities. In light of new evidence the DNC intentionally sabotaged Bernie Sanders while DNC staffers mocked him, Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party continue to be hit with embarrassing revelations. One of the most damning findings of the leak is the fact Read More…

Here’s The Proof DNC Used Media To Rig Election For Hillary Clinton

While Bernie Sanders’ supporters and independent media outlets have exhaustively pointed out that corporate media’s fatuous prattling over Hillary Clinton likely tipped the elections in her favor, we now have solid proof — leaked emails show the DNC colluded with mainstream outlets to heavily favor Clinton. “Our goals in the coming months will be to frame the Read More…