Hillary To Trump: You’re Doing War All Wrong

According to former secretary of state and twice-failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump is doing war all wrong. In an interview aired Sunday on CNN “Fareed Zakaria GPS,” Clinton attacked Trump’s handling of the Iranian and North Korean situations. Specifically, Clinton said Trump’s attempts to pull out of the Iranian nuclear deal reached in 2015 basically mean Read More…

Trump Is Now Picking A Fight With The Main Country Responsible For Defeating ISIS

In April of this year, an analysis published by the London-based IHS Jane’s Terrorism and Insurgency Center, a leading security analysis agency, found that 43 percent of ISIS’ battles between April 1, 2016, and March 31, 2017, were fought against the Syrian military and its allies. Comparatively, the U.S.-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) reportedly accounted for Read More…

Yemenis To Americans: Your Las Vegas Massacre Is Our Everyday Life

The recent events in Las Vegas shook the entire nation, and the rest of the world has watched intently as authorities have struggled with their investigation and some independent media outlets have spread uninvestigated and sensationalized narratives. Yet one should always remember that events that shake the West from time to time regularly occur in countries across the globe — and Read More…

Stockman Slams “The Deep State’s ‘Bogus Iranian Threat'”

Last week, we identified a permanent fiscal crisis as one of the quadruple witching forces arising in October 2017 which will shatter the global financial bubble. Then, the Donald made the crisis dramatically worse by decertifying the Iranian nuke deal, thereby reinforcing another false narrative that enables the $1 trillion Warfare State to continue bleeding the nation’s fiscal solvency. In Read More…