Former CIA Analyst: CIA Using Bin Laden Files To Deceive Public On Iran

CIA insider Ned Price says the latest bin Laden files are being deceitfully crafted to sell a narrative that will be used to convince the public on regime change in Iran. An intelligence insider is warning the public about this latest CIA mass release of purported Osama Bin Laden files from devices found in the Abbottabad, Pakistan compound, saying Read More…

US Govt-Funded Think Tank Praises “Moderate” Al Qaeda

With al Qaeda now seen by the U.S. as likely the only group in Syria “militarily capable of challenging the Assad regime’s grip on power, the U.S. is in the uncomfortable position of having to rehabilitate 9/11 and current terrorists into supportable “moderates.” Last week, Foreign Affairs, self-described as the “leading magazine for analysis and debate of Read More…