Conspiracy Domestic Policy Government Politics Top News

Justice for Neocons: Lawsuits Challenge American Status Quo

On June 28, 2016, the Miami-based law firm Beck & Lee served then-Democratic National Committee Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz and the DNC itself with a class action lawsuit for rigging the 2016 Democratic primary race in favor of Hillary Clinton. The lawsuit, filed in the Southern District of Florida, alleges that the DNC broke its Read More…

asset forfeiture
Conspiracy Constitutional Rights Domestic Policy Police State Top News

Chicago Police Department Caught Hiding Millions In Secret Asset Forfeiture Fund

A detailed report released in September 2016 by the Chicago Reader unveiled a secret civil asset forfeiture fund that amounted to nearly $50 million in seized cash which the Chicago Police Department was attempting to keep for themselves. The detailed analysis shows that CPD officials were attempting to pocket 65% of the cash and assets Read More…

WikiLeaks Conspiracy Domestic Policy Government Politics Top News

5 Wikileaks Revelations That Should’ve Tanked Hillary’s Campaign

Wikileaks has now dumped over 10,000 of Hillary campaign chairman John Podesta’s emails and the insane amount of corruption and lies coming out of her camp in this election continues to ooze out in big fat slimy piles by the day… Here are five leaks that came out just this week about Hillary, any one Read More…

Domestic Policy Conspiracy Constitutional Rights Featured Government Police State Top News

Police Arrest More People For Drugs Than All Violent Crimes — COMBINED

Police in the United States arrest more people for the nonviolent, utterly harmless non-crime of cannabis possession than for murder, rape, armed robbery — in fact, all violent crime — combined. A new study by the American Civil Liberties Union and Human Rights Watch exposes the absurdities of the war on drugs — like the Read More…

Military Industrial Complex
Finance Article Revival Business Conspiracy Domestic Policy Economy Expand Your Mind... Featured Foreign Policy Government Politics Top News World

The Military Industrial Complex: Warmongering to Scare You Into Voting for the Establishment

I know I am an idealist in my hopes that we can make the world better. Most people believe the super rich are too big to take down. That could very well be true, because it’s been that way for hundreds of years, but I am still hopeful that awareness can do … something. The economic Read More…

Domestic Policy Article Revival Conspiracy Constitutional Rights Government Police State Politics Technology Top News

The Imperial President’s Toolbox Of Terror: A Dictatorship Waiting To Happen

“When the President does it, that means that it is not illegal.”—Richard Nixon Presidents don’t give up power. Executive orders don’t expire at the end of each presidential term. And every successive occupant of the Oval Office since George Washington, who issued the first executive order, has expanded the reach and power of the presidency. The Read More…